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How Long Does Cold Brew Last if Kept in the Refrigerator?


Brandon Pierce
November 2, 2021

In the world of coffee, there are always new trends to consider and enjoy. The hottest right now, ironically, is a concoction that isn't hot at all. Cold brew coffee is the newest revolution of the iced coffee craze.

However, it's not made the same way as iced coffee, and while you may wonder why that is as well (we cover that topic here), you may be asking yourself, "How long does cold brew last?"

Why Should you Choose Cold Brew?

In the past, coffee shops only offered traditional coffee varieties on their menu, with hot coffee poured over ice to create a watered-down, cold beverage.

In such cases, the ice dilutes its flavors quite a bit, since there was less coffee than ice or water. When you consider having iced or cold-brewed coffee, a glass of cold brew will almost always win in terms of flavor quality and shelf-life.

When Does Iced Coffee Go Bad?

One of the biggest problems with iced coffee (and one of the reasons that cold brew methods have become so popular) centers around how cafés deal with cold coffee beverages.

Iced Coffee

In the past, cafes would store their fresh hot pots in an icebox but serve extremely bitter-tasting coffee to their patrons.

Therein lies a problem.

You must refrigerate iced coffee quickly so that it doesn't turn bad.

Plus, Iced coffees are made hot, so quinic acid is still extracted from it prior to chilling.

Still, the refrigeration process encourages oxidation, which converts traditional coffee maker coffees into something more acidic than it would have been while hot. 

Why Cold Brew Coffee is Superior to Iced Coffee

You could just make a cold brew to prevent much of this oxidation by removing heat from the process entirely. In essence, choose a different coffee maker and method when brewing it.

Here are some reasons why cold brew is a better choice:

Caffeine Content

Cold-brew coffee may have up to double the caffeine content of regular coffee because cold brewing with higher grounds volume can create a cold brew coffee concentrate.

Fuller, M., & Rao, N. Z. (2017). The Effect of Time, Roasting Temperature, and Grind Size on Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid Concentrations in Cold Brew Coffee. Scientific reports, 7(1), 17979. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-18247-4

Consistent Flavor

The taste of hot coffee is volatile because it may change its flavor at different temperatures, but cold brew coffee does not, making it suitable for pre-packaging and ready-to-drink applications. Of course, that is where savvy companies get in on the action because they can easily package these products and sell them.

You've probably gone to your grocery store and noticed how the refrigerated section has rows upon rows of glass bottles with various styles of cold brew coffee inside of them.

Easy to Make at Home

While buying pre-packaged cold brew coffee is the route most people will take to enjoy the beverage, it gets pricey, as most single-serve bottles cost about half the price of your favorite bag of ground coffee beans.

You can find a variety of recipes that help you make your cold brew coffee at home, and the process is quite simple to do as long as you don't mind steeping coffee beans in water for up to 24 hours.

If you enjoy drinking coffee throughout the year, consider looking into a few recipes, get the right supplies, and dive into the fantastic world of cold brew.

Market and Economic Improvement

Manufacturers love how cold-brew coffee remains so popular, uniquely as innovators design the best tools to make it. Coffee maker sales are much higher now than in the past, according to the New York Times, and it's looking to stay high all year long.

Baristas used to have little to do in summer, except for those die-hard fans who drank hot coffee or espresso every day, but now they're much busier because there are cold-brew and iced recipes available.

It's great that we can enjoy cold brew all year long when made fresh. Still, the most pressing question you have is how long does cold brew last? Can cold brew coffee go bad? Let's cover the shelf life of cold brew next.

Under the Best Conditions, How long does Cold Brew Last if kept in the Refrigerator?

When you remove all the ground coffee beans from a batch, your cold brew coffee should remain suitable to drink for up to 2 weeks in the fridge, a much longer shelf life than iced coffees.

Of course, this is only an estimate and references using black coffee without any milk, sugar, cream, or flavor additives. Regarding cold brew coffee expiration with additives, remember if you add anything else to your batch, your result will be a shorter shelf life.

how long can cold brew sit in the fridge?

The most prominent cold brew conundrum people face is that they make a concentrate (which results in many cups of coffee) and find that their cold brew has gone bad before they use it all.

Simply put, most recipes call for making big batches since coffee shops generally make large amounts.

Cold brew coffee is similar to iced tea in that it doesn't have a very long shelf life unrefrigerated.

While coffee doesn't produce mold as quickly as iced tea, it can mold if it isn't refrigerated immediately after brewing. 

Along with such, the brew may develop mold if you don't use it within a couple of weeks.

It's always best to keep your batch of cold brew concentrate refrigerated. The product has no preservatives when you make it at home versus store-bought.

Hence, you cannot expect it to last in the fridge for months. Keep this in mind as you go to make cold brew yourself.

How to Extend the Shelf Life of Cold Brew Coffee

No one is ever going to recommend that you keep your cold brew (either concentrate or prepared) more than a month in your refrigerator, but consider the following shelf-life extending methods for your extra cold brew.

Make Cold Brew Ice Cubes

One fantastic benefit of making cold brew coffee is that you can always warm it up and expect the same flavor quality; the same goes for freezing it.

You can always dilute the concentrate with water, add cream, or even sweeten it, once thawed. 

Coffee lovers won't have to worry about a bitter taste from regular coffee poured over ice, nor will ice cubes further dilute its concentrated form.

Use Smaller Storage Containers

If you're worried about it going bad before you finish it, make sure that, as you use the concentrate, to downsize the container you keep it in so that there is less air that can oxidize the coffee and remove flavor. Alternatively, storing your concentrate in smaller bottles from the beginning will also extend the shelf life.

Most experts agree that it is best to consume the concentrate within the first week of brewing it, regardless of whether you make it yourself or purchase it from the store, but bottling in this way helps you portion and share with others.

Does it make you sick?

Coffee may become stale, lose its flavor quality and aroma over time. That doesn't mean you will get sick from it. It does mean, however, that you're less likely to enjoy its taste as it ages. Don't drink homemade cold-brew that has aged more than two weeks, even refrigerated, unless you've pasteurized it.

Can you Store Cold Brew at Room Temperature?

Does coffee go bad if left out? Yes, of course.
Please do not store your finished cold brew on the shelf at room temperature. Coffee, cold brew, hot brew, of any style can go rancid, which means it is going to taste highly bitter and may become moldy with time.

Consider storing your coffee like your store other perishable food, for as short a time as possible in your refrigerator.

What about store-bought? Does bottled cold brew coffee go bad? Let's look into this next.

Does Unopened Cold Brew go Bad & does Cold Brew Expire when Pasteurized

According to a slew of anecdotal and scientific research, when you make a standard cold brew batch, you can expect it to last no more than 2 weeks in the fridge and up to 3 months in a refrigerated and pressurized keg.

Likewise, once you open a container of shelf-stable cold brew, start the 2 week counter and consider your brew expired after that time.

How long does bottled cold brew last? To answer this question, let's look at what makes cold brew shelf stable.

Cold Brew Preservatives

In my opinion, using preservatives for cold brew is a big no-no, but in the event you do plan on using them, consider citric acid or salt for preserving your cold brew.

Remember that the best way to enjoy cold brew is by sharing a glass with a friend within 2, 3 days max. Don't preserve, share.

Cold Brew Pasteurization

If you do decide to preserve your cold brew, consider pasteurizing it after bottling. This method is best saved for an undiluted concentrate where you'll need to kill off any bacteria within the mixture while in a sealed container.


How long does Stok Coffee Last in the Fridge?

For anyone wondering how long does Stok cold brew last, or really any of the shelf-stable brands out there, follow the sell-by date closely for when to buy and do not allow more than a couple months to go buy for unopened cold brew. A pasteurized cold brew may last 3 to 6 months or more, depending on the method for pasteurization and how it's stored.

How long does stock cold brew last after opening?

For any shelf-stable cold brew offered by brands like stock (being one of the most popular), consider the 2-week shelf life started once you open the container. However, if the bottle is far past its sell-by date, do a smell and light taste test before you consume an entire serving. What's more, this is only something to try when no other ingredients are added (ie. Milk, cream, or other flavor additives).

How long is coffee good for in the fridge?

If we are talking hot coffee, you'll experience the best flavor within the first hour. The longer coffee sits out, the more bitter it will become. This is not necessarily the case with cold brew. Don't store hot coffee more than a day in your fridge and never leave your coffee out if it has additives.

How long is iced coffee good for in the fridge?

Assuming that you brewed iced coffee with hot water, drink it right away. Within hours, iced coffee becomes watered down and develops a stale bitterness. Store no more than 3 days in the fridge.

How long does nitro coffee last?

If you've recently purchased a nitro from your favorite coffee shop, you'll get about an hour out of it before the magic bubbles dissipate. This is because nitrogen gas wants to escape the coffee liquid. The colder the nitro, the longer it will take for the as to escape.


How long does cold brew keep in the fridge? Cold-brew concentrate lasts up to two weeks, and you should never leave it at room temperature after the brewing process completes. Unless you take extra measures to preserve it when you make cold brew coffee, it's best to make smaller batches of cold brew that you are ready to drink within 2 weeks.

Once you make your cold brew to your desired likeness, you should immediately transfer the beverage to several small containers that will hold all the concentrate without leaving too much room for oxidation. Alternatively, consume it fast enough that you can get away with a single container.

Brandon Pierce

About the author

My name is Brandon and I love cold-brew coffee. If you're a fan of everything homebrew, then we'll get along just fine. I also enjoy riding my Onewheel around town, and going on adventures with my future wife! As an online work-from-home advocate, it's important that I stay connected to the world while being able to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

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